We hope you will join us on

Saturday, November 20th, 2021,
10:00 a.m. Pacific Time / 1:00 P.m. EASTERN TIME
Via Zoom

This event is free for members, and only $25 for Non-Members.

IFPE’s 2020 Hans W. Loewald Memorial Award Recipient,

Kimberlyn Leary, Ph.D., MPA,


Leading For Equity

Too often leadership development initiatives are not fully accessible to the populations most directly affected by systemic racism even when this might be their aim. Others may rely on outmoded frameworks where equity and systemic change are, at best, passing concerns. However, a growing number of practitioners are pursuing approaches to leadership development that transcend organizational boundaries, seek collective rather than individual or organizational impact, and contribute to cross-sector movements for justice. These efforts integrate equity-focused change management, accessible data tools (including those enabled by social media), community-engaged methods, and historical perspectives. At this moment in time, as private sector, social sector, and government entities make new resources available to advance equity, leadership is critical for ensuring that these commitments actually deliver equitable outcomes.

Kimberlyn Leary, Ph.D., MPA began her career as a clinical psychologist working as a practitioner to improve access to diverse communities and, as a psychoanalyst, to expand psychoanalytic perspectives on race and relationality. Her early work on negotiated transactions in psychotherapy expanded to broader research on negotiation, conflict transformation, and change management. She is an associate professor of psychology at the Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital, an associate professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and a lecturer in public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Leary served as an adviser to the Obama White House, working with the White House Council on Women and Girls to develop the Advancing Equity initiative (which focused on improving life outcomes for women and girls of color). She is currently a Senior Vice President of the Urban Institute, from which she is on Intergovernmental Personnel Act to serve as a Senior Equity Fellow at the White House Office of Management and Budget.

introduction and Award Presentation:
Samoan Barish, Awards Chair

Bryan K. Nichols

discussion will follow the presentation.
The program will run approximately two hours.

IFPE Members and registered Non-members
will receive the Zoom link a couple days prior to the event.


Non-Member rate is only $25.00 - Please click on the “Buy Now” button below to register.

Questions? Please contact our Administrator, Lois Ehrlich @
