
Welcome to the online journal of the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education. Other/Wise is a journal that offers a selected sampling of papers based on presentations made at IFPE’s most recent conference. Reflecting IFPE’s commitment to originality, creativity and diversity of thought and format, contributions can and have included scholarly papers, clinical papers, personal and autobiographical narratives, poetry, artwork, films and music.

Please click on the title to view each paper or the full edition may be downloaded following the articles.

Other/Wise: Selected Papers From the 2023 IFPE Conference,

“. . . but is it psychoanalytic?”

Spring 2024
Issue 1

Anti-Self, Help! and the Myth of Mental Health
Michael Allison

Being in the Sonoran Desert  
Karol Marshall

Know and Care for Thyself: Selfies as Technologies of the Self
Melissa Meade, Ph.D.

The Role (and Limits) of Intention in Personal Transformation
M. Chet Mirman, Ph.D.

To repair or not to repair, that is the question … but is it psychoanalytic?
Bryan K. Nichols

Our Inheritance, Confronting the Sadistic Absence-of-Love and the Path to Ecological Repair
Tiffany H. Raether, Ph.D.(c)

Broken Oneness/Broken Wonder: The Psychic Kinship Ties of Michael Eigen and Spotnitz’s Modern Psychoanalysis
Adam Shechter

Psychoanalysis and History: Past and Present: Reworking trauma within one’s life cycle and its impact on how we work
Hanna Turken, LCSW, BCD, LPpsA