IFPE’s 30th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference 


University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

October 17 – 19, 2019

Joshua Levy, Ph.D.
Hans W. Loewald Memorial Award 

Laura Jean Cameron, Ph.D.
Distinguished Psychoanalytic Educator

Bandy X. Lee, M.D., M.Div
Distinguished Psychoanalytic Educator

Watershed by John Gross www.findorcreate.com

Watershed by John Gross www.findorcreate.com

The 21st century has already shown itself to be is a century of displacement, of mass exodus, and newborn nationalism. Human rights are again under attack and these occur under the auspices of the tightening of the border. These tensions are subject to their historical context and manifest in particular ways. They will be contingent because the physical and psychical border cannot be secured. The border cannot close off the human condition, but it constitutes it as well through experiences of me/not me, private/public, separation and bringing things together. The clinic can be thought of as another border where questions about borders of the body and psyche, phantasy and reality, self/other are played out.

In the psychoanalytic scene there is a phantasmic link between nations and bodies, between orifices and entry points and so between embodiment, nationalism, diaspora, retention and expulsion. How might we analyse the historical time in which we live but also the new maladies of the soul, as Kristeva names them, which accompany it?  In this conference we invite broad psychoanalytic lens about the concept of the border through multiple registers including the clinic, the body, education, medicine, media, politics and art.

 As IFPE crosses the border, and returns to beautiful Toronto, we hope you will join us as we explore the theme of BORDERS. IFPE fosters a unique, multidisciplinary, alternative space to think, dialogue, and reflect on psychoanalysis, in and out of the consulting room, across disciplines and extending to art and culture. IFPE strives to create a conference environment where all are welcome to join the conversation.

program descriptions

Conference 2019 Form
