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Guest presenter, Noa Heiman, PhD, University of Colorado,
Department of Psychiatry
Penelope Starr-Karlin, PsyD, LMFT, chair of IFPE’S new Climate Change committee

Sunday, MARCH 9th

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 P.m. Pacific Time, on zoom.

Free for Members!

$30 Non-Member Rate


Our guest, Dr Noa Heiman will introduce the social and psychological roots of the climate crisis by comparing a cognitive view, a psychanalytic view, and a behavioral economics view. These, along with important facts and figures, will provide a framework to understand how to address patient concerns about climate change, and what to listen for if they do not raise the topic. This overview will enhance competence in meeting the climate crisis both in and out of the therapy room.

In the second hour, Dr Penelope Starr-Karlin will provide an evocative case study called “Precarious Futures: The Birth of Vision at the End of the World” which revolves around an adult client with climate distress. The case addresses existential issues, digs into the role of future anticipation in subjective wellbeing, discovers mutual co-transference about global heating and politics, explores issues raised by living in an uncertain world, and demonstrates how climate psychology must respond to the ‘both and’ of climate work – the ‘really real’ and any displaced trauma – using a systems theory. The case uncovers a new therapeutic area of concern - talking about the future - and thereby helping clients find a vision and action that inspires and brings hope.

There will be time for Q&A and a discussion.

To Register: Please scroll to the bottom of the page to reserve your spot, to receive the Zoom link.

Speaker’s Bio’s:

Noa Heiman, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor at the University of Colorado psychiatry department. She is the co-director of the psychotherapy scholar track - a track offered to psychiatry residents who want to specialize in psychotherapy. She also practices at the Student and Resident mental health clinic on the University of Colorado Anschutz medical campus, providing individual and group therapy to students on campus. She has published several papers on psychiatry training, student mental health, trauma, and women's mental health. Her latest paper published in Nature climate change discusses the intersection of psychology and climate change.

FREE for IFPE Members! Please click here to reserve your spot and receive the zoom link.

Non-member rate is $30.
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Penelope Starr-Karlin, Psy.D., LMFT is a senior member, faculty, and supervising and training analyst at the Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles. She is currently focusing on psychoanalysis’ relationship to climate change and turbulent global contexts. Penelope’s work is enriched by studies in phenomenological contextualism, systems theory, continental philosophy, Jungian psychology, and earth-friendly architecture/urban design. She participates in study groups evolving an analytic perspective on the ecological crisis and chairs several climate committees (for IFPE, the Climate Psychology Alliance, and the Social Justice group of IAPSP). Penelope is also an author of several papers published in international relational psychoanalytic journals and has a chapter in the forthcoming monograph Climate and Beyond in the Consulting Room. Penelope is in private practice in West LA, California.

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