Thirty-third Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
“. . . but is it psychoanalytic?”
Unfold, 2022
Julia Kuhl
Watercolor and collage on paper
12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in
31.8 x 24.1 cm
October 26th - 28th, 2023
Hotel dena
(Formerly the Sheraton Pasadena Hotel)
Pasadena, California
Rabbi Sharon Brous
Hans W. Loewald Memorial Award
Francisco J. González, M.D.
Distinguished Psychoanalytic Educator
David Naimon
Distinguished Psychoanalytic Educator
Stuart Perlman, Ph.D.
Distinguished Psychoanalytic Educator
“Looking back, then, over the patchwork of my life’s labours, I can say that I have made many beginnings and thrown out many suggestions. Something will come of them in the future, though I cannot myself tell whether it will be much or little. I can, however, express a hope that I have opened up a pathway for an important advance in our knowledge.”
Sigmund Freud, An Autobiographical Study
"My “trance” isn’t necessarily different from the state of rapture or tumbling-into-language that many poets and writers feel, in the heat of composition. It’s a state of letting my mind be filled to the brim with words and phrases — and, at the same time, letting my consciousness float away from itself,..."
Wayne Koestenbaum, Diving into the Linguistic Unconscious:
Interview with Shoshana Olidort,
Los Angeles Review of Books